Tasting Ubuntu

Tasting Ubuntu

Collaborators   Centre for the Study of the Afterlife of Violence and the Reparative Quest (AVReQ) at Stellenbosch University Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST) at Stellenbosch University Stellenbosch University Museum Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resileince (CAWR) at Coventry University, UK Our collaboration with AVReQ, CST and Stellenbosch University Museum honours cosmologies of interdependence and deepens […]

Hands In Soil

Embodying new narratives of relational sovereignty with each other and Mother Earth

Soil Culture at Create

A convivial curatorial approach to inspire actions and policies for protecting living soils


A time and place to nurture new imaginaries for agroecological food cultures

Re-naturing the City

Exploring how sharing ecologically grown food can help us re-imagine urban living